International Women day 8th march : 10 Awesome Hindustani Women ISRO Scientists Wonderful Outstanding Marvelous Adorable Nice !
International Women day 8th march : 10 Awesome Hindustani Women ISRO Scientists Wonderful Outstanding Marvelous Adorable Nice
Breaking the stereotypes, India's self-made women often remind us that any stream of study is not dependent on the gender. In this article, we celebrate the accomplishments of women in Science.
ISRO's achievement of launching 104 satellites in one go has given us a glimpse of the “Rocket Women” of India.
Soon after setting the world record, these women came in the limelight and the stupendous amount of work done by them finally bagged applauses. While you may already know some of them from the famous Mars Orbiter Mission or Mangalyaan project, let's get to know all of them at once.
1. Minal Sampath:-
For two years, Minal Sampath, a systems engineer working on India's mission to Mars, worked flat out in a windowless room, often for 18 hours a day, to be ready for the country's most ambitious space project to date.
"We had a great team and there [was] an understanding between us that we [had] to get the work done to meet the deadline," she says.
Before the propulsion of India’s Mangalyan in space, Mrs Sampath and all the researchers with her had abstained from taking any leaves, that too for over two years.
2. Anuradha TK:-
When she first saw Neil Armstrong walking the moon, she was fascinated and intrigued and this is when she decided to become a space scientist. This journey of hers is a testament that we should never let our inner child die and pursue our dreams, no matter what.
Now, as the senior-most women officer at ISRO, Anuradha has become an inspiration for all the women working there, and others who want to become a part of it.
3. Ritu Karidhal:-
Mother of two, Ritu has never let her personal life take over her love for science and space missions. As a kid, she spent hours every day on the terrace, sometimes studying her books, sometimes studying the stars.
"I have always had a fascination for mysteries of outer space, and knew that's what I wanted to get into," she said.
Later, she became the Deputy Operations Director of the Mars Orbiter Mission.
4. Moumita Dutta:-
One fine day, when Moumita was reading about India’s first lunar probe, Chandrayaan 1, in the Anandabazar Patrika in her hometown of Kolkata, she thought ‘How lucky those people are to have the opportunity to be part of this!’
Fast forward to 2015, and Dutta became one of the top ISRO scientists, part of a team that worked on India’s acclaimed Mars Orbiter Mission. Today, she is heading a team to make indigenous progress in optical sciences as a part of ‘Make in India’ initiative.
5. Nandini Harinath:-
As a Deputy Director, Nandini feels proud to see the Mars Orbiter Mission on the new 2000 rupee notes. ISRO was her first job and she has stuck around for almost 20 years.
As a kid, when she drew inspiration from the revered Star Trek series, little did she know that she'd bag so much attention in this space.
“If you’re doing mission operations you don’t need to watch a science-fiction movie, we see the excitement in our day-to-day lives.” – Nandini Harinath, Project Manager Mission Design, Deputy Operations Director, Mars Orbiter Mission, ISRO
(Also read: After ISRO's Record Breaking Launch, Twitter Trolls New York Times For Two-Year-Old Cartoon Mocking Mangalyaan Mission)
6. Kriti Faujdar:-
Kriti Faujdar finds ISRO a supportive place to work at for a woman – yet can’t help but notice that there are not many of them. She is part of a team that monitors the satellites and the several other missions continuously.
7. N Valarmathi:-
As the project director of RISAT-1 - India's first indigenously-developed Radar Imaging Satellite Valarmathi is the first person to receive Abdul Kalam Award, instituted by Government of Tamil Nadu in honour of the former president Abdul Kalam in 2015.
She joined ISRO back in 1984 and has been involved in many missions including Insat 2A, IRS IC, IRS ID, TES. She is the second woman scientist of Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) to head a prestigious project after T K Anuradha, project director of the GSAT-12 mission in 2011.
8. Tessy Thomas:-
Born in 1963, an engineer and the Project Director for Agni-IV missile in Defence Research and Development Organisation, Tessy is is the first woman engineer to head a missile project in India. She is known as the 'Missile Woman' of India.
She works for the DRDO and not ISRO.
Most women at ISRO have been maintaning a friendly distance from lime-light. But it's about time that we get to know them and their achivements.
कुछ नया करता चल
हर पल कुछ न कुछ नया करके ही तो हम लोग आज इस मुकाम पर हैं ( 2008 )
चांद पर तिरंगे की खुशबू ( 2008 )
उत्तरप्रदेश के अमरोहा शहर की खुशबू मिर्जा ने इसरो में चंद्रयान प्रथम की सफलता में निभाई अहम भूमिका।
चांद पर अब तिरंगा भी लहरा रहा है। देश ने चंद्रयान के बहाने अपनी क्षमताओं का एक फिर परिचय दिया है। इस पूरे मिशन में एक ऐसी लड़की की मेहनत छुपी है जिसे बचपन से ही अंतरिक्ष की असीम गहराइयां लुभाती रही। उत्तरप्रदेश के छोटे से कस्बे अमरोहा से निकलकर भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान केंद्र (इसरो) तक पहुंचने वाली 23 साल की इस लड़की का नाम है- खुशबू। अपने नाम की तरह वह अपने काम से भी सबका दिल महका देती है। खुशबू चंद्रयान प्रथम के सैटेलाइट सिस्टम को तैयार करने वाली बारह सदस्यीय इंजीनियर टीम में शामिल है। इनके चेक आउट डिवीजन दल ने यान के हर पुर्जे की थर्मल और वैक्यूम जांच की।
बस कड़ी मेहनत करनी है
25 जुलाई, 1985 को अमरोहा के मोहल्ला चाहगौरी निवासी सिकंदर मिर्जा और फरहत मिर्जा के घर एक नन्ही कली खुशबू ने जन्म लिया। सात साल की उम्र में ही उसके सिर से पिता का साया उठ गया। पिता इंजीनियर थे, इसलिए मां ने ठान लिया कि अपने सभी बच्चों को भी इंजीनियर ही बनाना है। बच्चों को स्कूली शिक्षा के लिए परिवार के पेट्रोल पंप की जिम्मेदारी संभाली। आज खुशबू का बड़ा भाई खुशतर भी इंजीनियर कर चुका है और छोटी बहन महक भी यही पढ़ाई कर रही है। अपने पुराने दिनों की परेशानियों के बारे में खुशबू की मां फरहत बताती हैं, 'जब खुशबू पैदा हुई थी, तो यहां पीने के लिए पानी बहुत मुश्किल से मिलता था। मुझे कुएं से पानी लाना पड़ता था। हमारे इलाके में महिलाएं बुरका पहनती थी, पर खुशबू को जींस पहनना पसंद था। लोग तरह-तरह की बातें करके हमें परव्शान करते थे। पर मैं उससे हमेशा कड़ी मेहनत करने को कहती थी।'
खुशबू की शुरुआती पढ़ाई स्थानीय कृष्णा बाल मंदिर में हुई। सन् 2000 में वह दसवीं कक्षा में 73 फीसदी अंक पाकर टॉपर बनी। आगे की पढ़ाई उसने अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम यूनिवर्सिटी से पूरी की। 2002 में इंटर की परीक्षा में 83 फीसदी अंक पाकर फिर से टॉपर बनी। स्कूल के दिनों में वह वॉलीबॉल की अच्छी खिलाड़ी रही। उसने वॉलीबॉल के लिए उत्तरप्रदेश राज्य का प्रतिनिधित्व भी किया। इसी की बदौलत खेल कोटा से अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम यूनिवर्सिटी से बीटेक(इलेक्ट्रोनिक्स) करने का मौका मिला। 2006 में बीटेक में 96 फीसदी अंक प्राप्त करके वह विश्वविद्यालय की गोल्ड मैडलिस्ट भी बनी।
पैसा नहीं दिल की खुशी चाहिए
बीटेक के बाद उसने बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनी एडोबे में अच्छी नौकरी का प्रस्ताव ठुकरा दिया और नवंबर 2006 में आधी तनख्वाह में इसरो से जुड़ गई। काम के प्रति लगन को देखते हुए जनवरी 2007 में उसे चंद्रयान मिशन के लिए चुना गया। तब से लेकर अब तक वह लगातार चंद्रयान के सफलतापूर्वक चांद की जमीन पर उतरने के लिए दुआ करती रही और आखिरकार यह मिशन सफल भी रहा। अब हिंदुस्तान अमरीका, रूस और जापान के बाद चांद पर झंडा गाड़ने वाला चौथा देश बन गया है। खुशबू मानती हैं,' हां मैं आधुनिक वेशभूषा पहनती हूं। पर मैं साथ में अपनी परंपराओं का निर्वहन भी करती हूं। मैं दिन में पांच बार नमाज अदा करती हूं और रमजान के महीने में रोजे भी रखती हूं। हर भारतीय की तरह मैं भी शुरू से ही अंतरिक्ष कार्यक्रमों को लेकर उत्सुक रही। चंद्रयान का प्रक्षेपण मेरे लिए बड़ा रोमांचकारी अनुभव रहा और मुझे इस दौरान काफी कुछ सीखने को मिला।'
Amroha girl chose jeans, not burqa, joined ISRO in 2008
Among the scores of families of ISRO scientists who woke up early on Wednesday, prayed and waited for the successful lift-off of Chandrayaan I, was one in Chaugori Mohalla, a tiny, traditional Muslim neighbourhood in UP's Amroha.
Khushboo Mirza is just one of the 12 engineers of the Check-Out Division of Chandrayaan I which carried out the thermal, vacuum and assembling checks on each component of the satellite. But the story of the 23-year-old is inspiration for a village which once looked at her journey in shock and disbelief.
When her father died when she was seven, her mother, Farhat, broke norms to run the family's petrol pump to keep her children in school. Her brother, Khushtar, a 2005 BTech from Jamia Millia Islamia, shelved his career ambitions to take charge later. To get out of the claustrophobic bylanes of Amroha, Khushboo applied for B Tech at Aligarh Muslim University. A volleyball player, she qualified through the sports quota. When she graduated, she landed a lucrative job with Adobe but gave it up to join ISRO two years ago.
With traditional censures from the sleepy village getting louder, Farhat accompanied her daughter to ISRO training programmes across the country. And in an area where the women wear burqas, she let her daughter don a pair of jeans. "In the absence of her father, and given that she had to travel so much, a lot of people said a lot of unkind things. But I told my daughter to work hard and let her be. She wanted to wear jeans, not a burqa, and I let her," Farhat says.
"I wanted to make my contribution to Indian science," Khushboo told The Indian Express from Sriharikota, Chandrayaan's launch site. "I think I have made a start."
"When Khushboo was born, there was no water in the pipes. We had to get water for the delivery from a well which is since closed," recalls a relative. Now, the family has installed a generator so that Khushboo's younger sister, Mahak, a student of engineering at Moradabad Institute of Technology, can surf the internet unhindered.
Small town woman set to become ISRO scientist
AGRA: Small town woman from Sasni in Hathras district, Apoorva Agarwal (26), has been selected to become a scientist at ISRO. Apoorva, an MTech graduate from IIT Delhi, is among the 200 students who have been selected from among the 40,000 youths who appeared for the exams.
Her selection is a “childhood dream come true”, as always passionate about about “microwave and micro-electronics”. Taking to TOI, Apoorva said, “I always wanted to achieve something prestigious and today I feel proud of myself after being selected in ISRO."
Apoorva completed her schooling in Hathras and Aligarh and did her Btech from Lucknow. She had also cleared NET exam in December 2016.
Apoorva said she was always worried that she too would end up like other small town girls, who rarely get a chance to complete their education and get married young. “Fortunately, my parents wanted me to pursue my dreams and supported me all through”, she said
She said she would join the institution in April last or the first week of May. “I was always inspired by Dr APJ Kalam and have read all of his books”, she said adding that working for an institution of which the former President was a part, is nothing but fulfillment of her dreams.
Apoorva’s father, Pradeep Agarwal, who runs a hardware shop in Aligarh, is elated about his daughter’s achievement. “I had to face problem initially as no good coaching and teaching facilities for girls are available here”, he said while admitting that he was taunted by relatives and friends for “unnecessarily” spending money on a girl child. “I never bothered about what people said and I’m proud of her achievements”, he said.
Bharat mata ki Jai ! 🕉️🚩💞🇮🇳💞🙏
SantoshKumar B Pandey at 4.30PM.
Breaking the stereotypes, India's self-made women often remind us that any stream of study is not dependent on the gender. In this article, we celebrate the accomplishments of women in Science.
ISRO's achievement of launching 104 satellites in one go has given us a glimpse of the “Rocket Women” of India.
Soon after setting the world record, these women came in the limelight and the stupendous amount of work done by them finally bagged applauses. While you may already know some of them from the famous Mars Orbiter Mission or Mangalyaan project, let's get to know all of them at once.
1. Minal Sampath:-
For two years, Minal Sampath, a systems engineer working on India's mission to Mars, worked flat out in a windowless room, often for 18 hours a day, to be ready for the country's most ambitious space project to date.
"We had a great team and there [was] an understanding between us that we [had] to get the work done to meet the deadline," she says.
Before the propulsion of India’s Mangalyan in space, Mrs Sampath and all the researchers with her had abstained from taking any leaves, that too for over two years.
2. Anuradha TK:-
When she first saw Neil Armstrong walking the moon, she was fascinated and intrigued and this is when she decided to become a space scientist. This journey of hers is a testament that we should never let our inner child die and pursue our dreams, no matter what.
Now, as the senior-most women officer at ISRO, Anuradha has become an inspiration for all the women working there, and others who want to become a part of it.
3. Ritu Karidhal:-
Mother of two, Ritu has never let her personal life take over her love for science and space missions. As a kid, she spent hours every day on the terrace, sometimes studying her books, sometimes studying the stars.
"I have always had a fascination for mysteries of outer space, and knew that's what I wanted to get into," she said.
Later, she became the Deputy Operations Director of the Mars Orbiter Mission.
4. Moumita Dutta:-
One fine day, when Moumita was reading about India’s first lunar probe, Chandrayaan 1, in the Anandabazar Patrika in her hometown of Kolkata, she thought ‘How lucky those people are to have the opportunity to be part of this!’
Fast forward to 2015, and Dutta became one of the top ISRO scientists, part of a team that worked on India’s acclaimed Mars Orbiter Mission. Today, she is heading a team to make indigenous progress in optical sciences as a part of ‘Make in India’ initiative.
5. Nandini Harinath:-
As a Deputy Director, Nandini feels proud to see the Mars Orbiter Mission on the new 2000 rupee notes. ISRO was her first job and she has stuck around for almost 20 years.
As a kid, when she drew inspiration from the revered Star Trek series, little did she know that she'd bag so much attention in this space.
“If you’re doing mission operations you don’t need to watch a science-fiction movie, we see the excitement in our day-to-day lives.” – Nandini Harinath, Project Manager Mission Design, Deputy Operations Director, Mars Orbiter Mission, ISRO
(Also read: After ISRO's Record Breaking Launch, Twitter Trolls New York Times For Two-Year-Old Cartoon Mocking Mangalyaan Mission)
6. Kriti Faujdar:-
Kriti Faujdar finds ISRO a supportive place to work at for a woman – yet can’t help but notice that there are not many of them. She is part of a team that monitors the satellites and the several other missions continuously.
7. N Valarmathi:-
As the project director of RISAT-1 - India's first indigenously-developed Radar Imaging Satellite Valarmathi is the first person to receive Abdul Kalam Award, instituted by Government of Tamil Nadu in honour of the former president Abdul Kalam in 2015.
She joined ISRO back in 1984 and has been involved in many missions including Insat 2A, IRS IC, IRS ID, TES. She is the second woman scientist of Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) to head a prestigious project after T K Anuradha, project director of the GSAT-12 mission in 2011.
8. Tessy Thomas:-
Born in 1963, an engineer and the Project Director for Agni-IV missile in Defence Research and Development Organisation, Tessy is is the first woman engineer to head a missile project in India. She is known as the 'Missile Woman' of India.
She works for the DRDO and not ISRO.
Most women at ISRO have been maintaning a friendly distance from lime-light. But it's about time that we get to know them and their achivements.
कुछ नया करता चल
हर पल कुछ न कुछ नया करके ही तो हम लोग आज इस मुकाम पर हैं ( 2008 )
चांद पर तिरंगे की खुशबू ( 2008 )
उत्तरप्रदेश के अमरोहा शहर की खुशबू मिर्जा ने इसरो में चंद्रयान प्रथम की सफलता में निभाई अहम भूमिका।
चांद पर अब तिरंगा भी लहरा रहा है। देश ने चंद्रयान के बहाने अपनी क्षमताओं का एक फिर परिचय दिया है। इस पूरे मिशन में एक ऐसी लड़की की मेहनत छुपी है जिसे बचपन से ही अंतरिक्ष की असीम गहराइयां लुभाती रही। उत्तरप्रदेश के छोटे से कस्बे अमरोहा से निकलकर भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान केंद्र (इसरो) तक पहुंचने वाली 23 साल की इस लड़की का नाम है- खुशबू। अपने नाम की तरह वह अपने काम से भी सबका दिल महका देती है। खुशबू चंद्रयान प्रथम के सैटेलाइट सिस्टम को तैयार करने वाली बारह सदस्यीय इंजीनियर टीम में शामिल है। इनके चेक आउट डिवीजन दल ने यान के हर पुर्जे की थर्मल और वैक्यूम जांच की।
बस कड़ी मेहनत करनी है
25 जुलाई, 1985 को अमरोहा के मोहल्ला चाहगौरी निवासी सिकंदर मिर्जा और फरहत मिर्जा के घर एक नन्ही कली खुशबू ने जन्म लिया। सात साल की उम्र में ही उसके सिर से पिता का साया उठ गया। पिता इंजीनियर थे, इसलिए मां ने ठान लिया कि अपने सभी बच्चों को भी इंजीनियर ही बनाना है। बच्चों को स्कूली शिक्षा के लिए परिवार के पेट्रोल पंप की जिम्मेदारी संभाली। आज खुशबू का बड़ा भाई खुशतर भी इंजीनियर कर चुका है और छोटी बहन महक भी यही पढ़ाई कर रही है। अपने पुराने दिनों की परेशानियों के बारे में खुशबू की मां फरहत बताती हैं, 'जब खुशबू पैदा हुई थी, तो यहां पीने के लिए पानी बहुत मुश्किल से मिलता था। मुझे कुएं से पानी लाना पड़ता था। हमारे इलाके में महिलाएं बुरका पहनती थी, पर खुशबू को जींस पहनना पसंद था। लोग तरह-तरह की बातें करके हमें परव्शान करते थे। पर मैं उससे हमेशा कड़ी मेहनत करने को कहती थी।'
खुशबू की शुरुआती पढ़ाई स्थानीय कृष्णा बाल मंदिर में हुई। सन् 2000 में वह दसवीं कक्षा में 73 फीसदी अंक पाकर टॉपर बनी। आगे की पढ़ाई उसने अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम यूनिवर्सिटी से पूरी की। 2002 में इंटर की परीक्षा में 83 फीसदी अंक पाकर फिर से टॉपर बनी। स्कूल के दिनों में वह वॉलीबॉल की अच्छी खिलाड़ी रही। उसने वॉलीबॉल के लिए उत्तरप्रदेश राज्य का प्रतिनिधित्व भी किया। इसी की बदौलत खेल कोटा से अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम यूनिवर्सिटी से बीटेक(इलेक्ट्रोनिक्स) करने का मौका मिला। 2006 में बीटेक में 96 फीसदी अंक प्राप्त करके वह विश्वविद्यालय की गोल्ड मैडलिस्ट भी बनी।
पैसा नहीं दिल की खुशी चाहिए
बीटेक के बाद उसने बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनी एडोबे में अच्छी नौकरी का प्रस्ताव ठुकरा दिया और नवंबर 2006 में आधी तनख्वाह में इसरो से जुड़ गई। काम के प्रति लगन को देखते हुए जनवरी 2007 में उसे चंद्रयान मिशन के लिए चुना गया। तब से लेकर अब तक वह लगातार चंद्रयान के सफलतापूर्वक चांद की जमीन पर उतरने के लिए दुआ करती रही और आखिरकार यह मिशन सफल भी रहा। अब हिंदुस्तान अमरीका, रूस और जापान के बाद चांद पर झंडा गाड़ने वाला चौथा देश बन गया है। खुशबू मानती हैं,' हां मैं आधुनिक वेशभूषा पहनती हूं। पर मैं साथ में अपनी परंपराओं का निर्वहन भी करती हूं। मैं दिन में पांच बार नमाज अदा करती हूं और रमजान के महीने में रोजे भी रखती हूं। हर भारतीय की तरह मैं भी शुरू से ही अंतरिक्ष कार्यक्रमों को लेकर उत्सुक रही। चंद्रयान का प्रक्षेपण मेरे लिए बड़ा रोमांचकारी अनुभव रहा और मुझे इस दौरान काफी कुछ सीखने को मिला।'
Amroha girl chose jeans, not burqa, joined ISRO in 2008
Among the scores of families of ISRO scientists who woke up early on Wednesday, prayed and waited for the successful lift-off of Chandrayaan I, was one in Chaugori Mohalla, a tiny, traditional Muslim neighbourhood in UP's Amroha.
Khushboo Mirza is just one of the 12 engineers of the Check-Out Division of Chandrayaan I which carried out the thermal, vacuum and assembling checks on each component of the satellite. But the story of the 23-year-old is inspiration for a village which once looked at her journey in shock and disbelief.
When her father died when she was seven, her mother, Farhat, broke norms to run the family's petrol pump to keep her children in school. Her brother, Khushtar, a 2005 BTech from Jamia Millia Islamia, shelved his career ambitions to take charge later. To get out of the claustrophobic bylanes of Amroha, Khushboo applied for B Tech at Aligarh Muslim University. A volleyball player, she qualified through the sports quota. When she graduated, she landed a lucrative job with Adobe but gave it up to join ISRO two years ago.
With traditional censures from the sleepy village getting louder, Farhat accompanied her daughter to ISRO training programmes across the country. And in an area where the women wear burqas, she let her daughter don a pair of jeans. "In the absence of her father, and given that she had to travel so much, a lot of people said a lot of unkind things. But I told my daughter to work hard and let her be. She wanted to wear jeans, not a burqa, and I let her," Farhat says.
"I wanted to make my contribution to Indian science," Khushboo told The Indian Express from Sriharikota, Chandrayaan's launch site. "I think I have made a start."
"When Khushboo was born, there was no water in the pipes. We had to get water for the delivery from a well which is since closed," recalls a relative. Now, the family has installed a generator so that Khushboo's younger sister, Mahak, a student of engineering at Moradabad Institute of Technology, can surf the internet unhindered.
Small town woman set to become ISRO scientist
AGRA: Small town woman from Sasni in Hathras district, Apoorva Agarwal (26), has been selected to become a scientist at ISRO. Apoorva, an MTech graduate from IIT Delhi, is among the 200 students who have been selected from among the 40,000 youths who appeared for the exams.
Her selection is a “childhood dream come true”, as always passionate about about “microwave and micro-electronics”. Taking to TOI, Apoorva said, “I always wanted to achieve something prestigious and today I feel proud of myself after being selected in ISRO."
Apoorva completed her schooling in Hathras and Aligarh and did her Btech from Lucknow. She had also cleared NET exam in December 2016.
Apoorva said she was always worried that she too would end up like other small town girls, who rarely get a chance to complete their education and get married young. “Fortunately, my parents wanted me to pursue my dreams and supported me all through”, she said
She said she would join the institution in April last or the first week of May. “I was always inspired by Dr APJ Kalam and have read all of his books”, she said adding that working for an institution of which the former President was a part, is nothing but fulfillment of her dreams.
Apoorva’s father, Pradeep Agarwal, who runs a hardware shop in Aligarh, is elated about his daughter’s achievement. “I had to face problem initially as no good coaching and teaching facilities for girls are available here”, he said while admitting that he was taunted by relatives and friends for “unnecessarily” spending money on a girl child. “I never bothered about what people said and I’m proud of her achievements”, he said.
Bharat mata ki Jai ! 🕉️🚩💞🇮🇳💞🙏
SantoshKumar B Pandey at 4.30PM.
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